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This is not ok. The findings and the projections from COP27 about what is happening to our climate as a result of the destruction of natural areas should be enough to strike this proposal down. Lire davantage

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I believe this is an awful idea. In a time where housing affordability is nil, and inflation is high, you want to open up the Greenbelt to builders who only have one goal in mind ----- PROFITS. Lire davantage

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I'm a Toronto area business owner strongly in support of maintaining the green belt. Developing these lands cannot be undone. I oppose Bill 23 because I believe the Greenbelt should be protected as promised by Premier Ford.

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I oppose this proposal and feel strongly the greenbelt should remain protected. Swapping greenbelt protected land for other land fails to consider all of the factors that went into choosing the land that should be included in the original greenbelt. Lire davantage

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This is appalling. The premier is siding with his developer friends and ignoring everyone else. The millions of people in the GTA need more, not less access to green space. Southern Ontario needs farmland and protected watershed lands. Lire davantage

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This should not be allowed. The greenbelt is not a reserve of land waiting to be allocated away as we see fit. It is supposed to be protected, and it defeats its purpose if we keep tapping into it.

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In addition to a housing crisis, we are also in the midst of an unprecedented environmental crisis, the solution to one cannot be a reduction in the other. This land is protected, and should stay as such. Please do not move forward with the plan to reassign protected Green Belt land. Lire davantage

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This plan screams short-sighted and selfish by elected officials. Sprawl solves nothing. We destroy irreplaceable ecosystems and farmlands, thereby increasing our reliance on food imports from further and further away. Lire davantage

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Another broken promise. I vehemently stand against Premier Doug Ford opening up the protected Greenbelt for the expansion of suburban homes. This makes me concerned for the future of Ontario, and the protection of our wildlife and green spaces. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is a treasure to Ontarians. It does not deserve to take on the housing crisis caused by mismanagement of resources and will not solve the systemic issues that caused the crisis in the first place. Lire davantage

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You cannot do this. You are not building affordable homes and the damage you will do to the environment is irreversible. We are supposed to be intensifying not more sprawl. Lire davantage