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This is literally an awful plan. The Greenbelt is a critical piece of infrastructure in the region and presents an important and contiguous greenspace for people to enjoy and animals and plants to use as habitats. Lire davantage

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I grew up in the small charming town of ancaster and would absolutely hate to see this beautiful farmland go to urbanization. I could not disagree with this proposal more. Breaks my heart to see the town changing this much.

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This is a disaster. Please do not do this. We need to maintain agriculture and ecosystems. What is the point of designating land as a greenbelt if it can be developed like this? It needs to be codified to make this impossible. Replacing it with other land is a joke.....I hope Lire davantage

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Those greenbelt was enacted with the purpose of the conservation of wetlands, forest, grasslands, etc to save precious species and to not allow land development. We also need to take into sharp consideration the voices of the Indigenous [first] Peoples that land, and their opinions and needs. Lire davantage

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This plan is heartbreaking for places with significant green belt designated land like Niagara. Our landscape is one of a kind and ensures many unique species of plants, birds and wildlife can exist in peace. Lire davantage

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I do not support this proposal because protecting our environment should be the top of our priorities right now. We only get 1 earth. Developing environmentally protected lands is dangerous.

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Ontario is huge. Leave the greenbelt lands alone. Establish a Land Trust to purchase the land from the business-monsters and transition it to a preserve for safekeeping. Voter apathy begets stupid government ideas (greenbelt or otherwise).

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Do not touch the proposed lands. We moved here 20 years ago for these protested lands. The roads cannot handle the traffic as it is and public transit sucks!!!! Fix the existing problems don’t add to it. Simple

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The revisions to the Greenbelt are not the answer to the housing problem. There needs to be a reduction in the standard dwelling size and an increase in density of developed areas. Lire davantage

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Please do not move into greenbelt areas for housing projects. This is dangerous, and a major concern for our wetland ecosystems. Destroying valuable agricultural spaces for homes will significantly impact food security, and contribute to already rising food costs. Lire davantage

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I write to strongly protest the changes proposed in Bill 23 for the Greenbelt lands. In short: • Opening up 7,400 acres of protected Greenbelt lands for development, thereby permanently destroying our remaining farmland; Lire davantage

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The revisions to the Greenbelt are not the answer to the housing problem. There needs to be a reduction in the standard dwelling size and an increase in density of developed areas. Lire davantage