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Please don’t destroy our precious environment. You aren’t doing this to build more affordable homes. You are just doing this to line your pockets with cash from developers. This proposal won’t fix anything. It will just destroy our beautiful province.

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Instead of building mid density or intensification corridors on existing land, the Ontario government at the behest of real estate developers are planning to give up thousands of acres of prime farmland and wetland. This is blatant corruption and inductive of a government only concerned for a few. Lire davantage

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I am disgusted to hear about the new plans for our Greenbelt. This land needs to remain protect for all Ontarians!! We cannot rebuild these fragile ecosystems, we need to protect our water, and our future!

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I do not agree with this policy to take land from the green belt. There are other areas like ring of fire that can be settled rather than build over green belt. This needs to stop, we will reck our future.

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Doug Ford and his merry band of incompetent, authoritarian sycophants sold out our future to enrich his donors. Every single person in this Conservative government should be charged with criminal negligence causing death for: Lire davantage

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A friend just notified me that I am in your 'soon to become Greenbelt' zone and after doing some research, they were correct. I am livid that no one has taken any steps to notify us to this huge change to our property and lives! Lire davantage

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I cannot fathom why we would infringe on the Greenbelt, knowing everything we do about climate change. 1. We know that Canada is warming faster than the rest of the world. 2. We know that more viruses and diseases will become more prevalent as our waterways warm up. Lire davantage

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This decision is ludicrous - just absolutely does not make sense. We should be intensifying cities, not ruining very precious land which feeds both us and non-human populations. And it will only be more expensive for municipalities as they spend millions on infrastructure.

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Bill 23 is wrong in every aspect. It is the wrong way to get more homes built in Ontario. The Provincial government is using the housing crisis as an opportunity to quickly and quietly gut the Planning Act, The Conversation Authorities Act and the Development Charges Act. Lire davantage

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Opening up the Greenbelt to development is short-sighted, foolish, greedy, and benefits virtually nobody. It does not address the housing crisis in any meaningful way. It is a colossal mistake.

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Dear Ontario Government, I beg you to not develop housing or industry on the Greenbelt. This area is a vital ecosystem, critical agricultural lands, and needs to be protected in perpetuity in this time of environmental degradation and the climate crisis. Lire davantage

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Food demand is growing, housing demand is growing, why compromise one to temporarily fix another.. build up build tall towers stop building out. I don't approve of this as 14th generation Canadian, keep the green belt.