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This is absolutely disgusting that the destruction of the greenbelt is being proposed. The country has no need of more development that the average Canadian cannot afford due to your evil policies and the companies you keep in the pocket of the conservative government. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible proposal and should be abandoned. Land swaps mean the end of the Greenbelt. If this proposal goes through it will increase land speculation, drive up costs and seriously harm farming all across Southern Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is a horrific idea, destroying farm/forest's for housing. We should be densifying our city's. Creating more of so called "missing middle" type housing. Alongside upgrading city infrastructure such as sewage/electrical/public transit. Lire davantage

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This is an awful idea. It is a plan to help destroy Ontario for future generations. If this plan moves forward, I will do everything in my power to ensure that nobody in my group of friends, my family or coworkers vote for the Conservative Party ever. Lire davantage

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The government promised that they would not allow development on Greenbelt land as part of it's election platform. It should not break this promise, even with an excuse that this action is required to build more homes. Lire davantage

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Please do not develop the green belt. It is needed for the future health of our province. Having single family homes sprawled across our province is not the solution to the housing crisis. Especially not on irreplaceable green land.

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I do not believe it is appropriate to expand the greenbelt when not enough is being done to increase high density housing supply along major arteries in the cities. We do not need more harmful urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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This reeks of corruption. It won't help with affordable housing and is making us look like we don't know what we're doing. Conservatives are smarter than this poor attempt at making developers richer

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This proposal is an absolute sham and borderline criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developpers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. If it is to be developped, it should be guaranteed community housing / afforbable housing. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea. Doug the slug wants to expand on the green belt to line the pockets of his buddies. There is nothing in it for Ontarians. What are we going to get and what are we going to lose? $800000 stacked town homes on beautiful land? Protected land. Lire davantage