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How exactly is this solving a housing crisis? giving the green light to developers to line their pockets while building homes a regular joe can't afford. While they are at it destroying sensitive habitats. This government literally has no bounds. The ford gov't is criminal. Lire davantage

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The proposed amendments to the green belt are not confined by the majority of ontarians. There is no benefit to the people, except Doug Ford’s cronies. I’m against these proposed changes.

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The greenbelt was setup to be protected land for future generations. At a time when climate change is going to exact an incredible toll on people and our economy, why are we allowing our protected spaces to be sold off cheaply to line the pockets of the premier's friends? Lire davantage

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The proposal is not assistive towards the goal set forth. It does not address the type of residential properties to be built, nor sets out any concrete path to any minimum density of population that these appropriated areas must meet. Lire davantage

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I do not support this ill-considered and backwards plan that has more to do with servicing Doug Ford’s old-school cronyism than it meaningfully solves a very real housing problem. Lire davantage

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Ontario housing is a affordability issue, not an inventory issue. The proposed solution not only contribute minimally to the resolution, but also spent taxpayers' resources for nothing.

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I think it's funny how some major developers happen to own some of the land on the Greenbelt, and now the Government is opening up these lands for development. It just seems very corrupt and not in the best interests of residents. How many of these units would even be affordable housing? Lire davantage

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This proposal is absolutely going to have an immediate negative impact of the environment and health of the humans and animals in Ontario as they will no longer have this important ecological space to enjoy open activities within nature. Lire davantage

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You should be ASHAMED of yourselves as "leaders" with this plan to essentially RUIN Ontario. Get back to the drawing board and get to thinking of solutions that can help the province, not just ruining the landscape to satisfy the financial needs of a few citizens. Don't destroy Ontario over greed!!

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The greenbelt proposal is a blatant sham. It doesn't stand to benefit the greater public, and will only benefit the developers. Ridiculous that anybody even has the gall to propose such a bill in our current housing climate.