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This proposal is not grounded in public interest it is based in the interests of enriching developer. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. There is a grave need in Ontario for affordable housing and support for first time homebuyers, this addressed none of those needs. Lire davantage

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Please don’t mess with the green belt. It’s one of the reasons why I’m a proud to be proud of this province. And when these homes do get flooded don’t bailout the insurance companies with our tax dollars. Lire davantage

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This is a joke right? Removing land from the Greenbelt and adding already protected land somewhere else? Ummmm, that's not how environmental protections work. Shame on you for even suggesting this.

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Why is the "protected" land of the greenbelt to be amended for development when the housing affordability task force, the same appointed by the ontario government, recommends not developing? Lire davantage

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This is an absolutely disgraceful plan that does nothing but benefit contactors, with no benefit to the public at all. Destroying a greenbelt when there are plenty of other options is awful. Lire davantage

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Once the mistake is made it cannot be undone. Using Greenbelt land for housing is wrong. People need green space not just housing. Our cities are creeping outwards and devouring so much valuable natural land. The Ford government cannot be allowed to proceed with this anomination.

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Bulldozing the green belt to make way for more single detached houses is not the way to solve the housing crisis. We need denser housing in areas already designated for housing.

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I am opposed to removing any land from the Greenbelt protection area. That land is needed for farming, food security and conservation. Waiving development fees harms municipalities, and by extension the people who live in them. Lire davantage

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It’s no secret that plenty of development-able land exists outside of the Greenbelt. No one is being fooled by this. Don’t expect another PC majority next election. Signed: A former PC voter

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Do not developed the green belt. There is enough room in other locations. The greenbelt needs to be preserved for future generations not for profit of current ones. Lire davantage

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We have the huge responsibility to care for land for a much bigger purpose than making money and seeing city sprawl. Canada is known for it's vastness and it's environmental resources. Ontario was formally "yours to discover" because of the beauty that we own and care for. Lire davantage

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This plan should absolutely not go ahead. A bait and switch tactic from a Premier who loudly promised not to do exactly this. Green belt lands are protected for a reason! Environmentally sensitive lands cannot just be replaced by whatever land is available and convenient. Lire davantage

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I am commenting as a Professor of the University of Toronto on evolutionary biology and on a citizen of the Peel region. The proposed amendments to the greenbelt will have dramatic impact on the ecological diversity of the province. Lire davantage

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This proposal is unacceptable. Ontarians were promised that the green belt would be a PERMANENTLY PROTECTED area of green space, farmland, forests, wetlands and watersheds. Farmland is not any less worth protecting than any of the other land uses. Lire davantage

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I fail to understand how this will benefit those whose income is on or about $45,000. Ontario minimum wage of $15.50 per hour you have to work 56 per week x 52 weeks to make $45000. I do understand how it will benefit the developers who will sell this housing. Lire davantage

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I support protecting the Green Belt and not developing on currently protected lands. This process has been very corrupt and so focused on money only for Doug Ford and developers. I’ll be sure to vote anything but PC next time.