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I think this proposal should not go through. The greenbelt needs to be protected not just for environmental reasons but economically this will lead to further flash flooding and damage peoples homes. This in turn will cause economic burdens on insurance companies and ultimately the government. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely Evil, it would be pure Evil but there is a lot of stupidity added to the plan so really it’s mostly Evil with a lot of stupid added to dilute just how bad this will be. Sorry I’m too angry to write anything that really makes sense. I’ve no words.

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I am deeply concerned about the devastating effects that will result from Bill 23 and want it withdrawn in its entirety. Premier Ford made a solemn promise to not change the Greenbelt and now that he has a majority he has broken his promise to the citizens of Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is an awful idea. You promised you wouldn’t touch the green belt and here you are dividing it up and giving it to your donors. This will be irreparable harm to our environment and will not help the housing crisis at all. You know what will? Rent control. Bring that back. Lire davantage

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This is preposterous. I can’t believe we are allowing developers (and Ford, I’m sure) to profit from this. We are clearly in a climate crisis and need to protect these lands. There are so many other options for housing development. This is absurd and I’m am fully against it. Lire davantage

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I oppose the government's removal of lands from greenbelt protection. The idea that this action results in alleviating the housing crisis is their way of fooling the public into thinking multi unit dwellings will be built as affordable housing. Lire davantage

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I totally oppose this bill. Re-designated land, if developed as expected, will only add expensive, single-family units which do not address the dire need for affordable housing. Added urban sprawl will only contribute to long-distance commutes and thus more pollution. Lire davantage

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This proposal is absolutely unacceptable. The premier made promises to protect the Greenbelt and now he is completely reversing that opinion. While the housing situation is complex eliminating biodiversity and paving over everything is not a viable alternative. Lire davantage

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While this proposal has a rationale that is clearly designed to be convincing, the numbers do not bear out the cost. The greenbelt changes will remove 7,400 hectares from the Greenbelt but create a paltry 50,000 homes. Lire davantage

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The green belt is a critical part of our protection in terms of both protecting farmland for food security and protecting our natural environment to mitigate risks such as floods. The green belt should absolutely not have any land removed from it. Lire davantage

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The preservation of the greenbelt is essential for the future of the province and country. The greenbelt includes protected lands that ensure spaces in which many species of plants and animals may thrive. It ensures that wetlands and watersheds are also protected. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford ran on a promise not to open the greenbelt. Voters had made it clear that we didn't want him to touch it, so he promised not to. Now he is going back on that promise so his donors can make money. Lire davantage

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What a disappointment that this is even being considered. This land is part of the green belt for a reason. The soli is perfect for growing the thing that we are famous for like our world class wine along with other things. All land that is part of the green belt must be protected at all cost.