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BROKEN PROMISES resulting in developers buying greenbelt in past few years and land now being removed from the greenbelt IS appalling and suggestive of collusion. Taking land out for developers to profit while breaking faith with citizens is non democratic. IT IS COLLUSION. Lire davantage

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I STRONGLY oppose this. Legitimate housing advocates (not developers) and environmental experts and climate change experts all agree that this is a terrible idea. It will not increase the affordable housing supply and it will irreparably harm sensitive and irreplaceable wetlands and habitats. Lire davantage

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Opposed to the idea of developing parts of the Greenbelt Plan. The proposed changes will either increase property taxes or force cuts to services to fun infrastructure costs forced upon the municipalities by the proposed changes. Lire davantage

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Any changes to the Greenbelt plan would be a very serious and threatening mistake. With the shift in attention to sustainable development, the choices we make today must protect the rights of future generations. Lire davantage

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It is madness to divest any area from the Greenbelt during an unprecedented time of global warming. This will profit some land owners at the expense of important land areas. There are wiser solutions than unsustainable human sprawl. Lire davantage

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The environment is very important to me. Why are you considering to build houses on lands that are and should be protected? We need food to be grown locally to keep the cost down so people can eat healthy. We need good clean water. Lire davantage

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Please do not encroach on this area for development. Building housing in a moraine is not a good use of land and the low lying areas are susceptible to flooding. Find another place to build

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Details that have emerged regarding donors of the Ontario PC buying land in the green belt in advance, which is now being put forward to be used, are extremely concerning. Lire davantage

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People and animals need food and water to survive. Leave protected land as it should be. There is plenty of land for the greedy developers and lying politicians to build monster homes and highways on.

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This bill is wrong and Doug Ford has gone back on his word again. Unfortunately because so few voted we are stuck with this government for another 3 1/2 years. Heaven help us. Lire davantage

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Concerned citizen on two fronts. Please don't open the green belt for uncessarry development. It's an important natural ecosystem and buffer between Northern regions. It's part of what makes Ontario an attractive and beautiful province. Lire davantage

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We do not need to destroy more arable land to build housing. Our issue is not lack of housing -- it is lack of affordable housing, lack of regulations, and outdated, unsustainable zoning laws. Lire davantage