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It is embarrassing as a Canadian and an Ontarion, that we are taking some of the best and most ecological land we have and polluting it. The fact that the premier is giving all his development friends and donors contacts and is corrupt. Lire davantage

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Stop this nonsense. We all know that the people who need homes won't be able to afford the million dollar, poorly built monstrosities that you want to construct far away from any amenities! This is very clearly Ford's plan to put money into the pockets of developers. Lire davantage

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Destroying the greenbelt for development should NOT even be an option. In current times of climate crises, our greenbelt is one of Ontario’s protection measures against the effects of global warming. Lire davantage

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A necessary decision in face of an ever growing unaffordable housing economy. Kudos to the government for having the bravery to actually care about young people that want to afford a home one day.

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Do not develop the greenbelt. It's some of the best soil for growing food in all of Canada. We also need green spaces for our mental health and for physical activities, and clean air. Lire davantage

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Please do not touch the green belt. Promising the same amount of land to replace the existing land is not the same thing as preserving the original footprint as it was intended. We need to protect the original greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Shame, shame, shame for destroying our natural habitats. The residence near Park and Stone have already been through the disruption of building with the project on Phillip Murray. Lire davantage

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We need to care about our greenspaces and not just ruin all of them, lack of housing isn't as much of the problem as multi-house owning landlords and corporations driving up the cost of housing instead of allowing the people actually wanting to live in the houses to be able to buy them for a fair pr Lire davantage

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Ploughing through the Greenbelt is not a solution to the housing crisis. There are many other vacant lands that could be used. As an resident of Ontario, I am extremely upset at this decision to destroy protected lands. Lire davantage

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Do not remove environmental protections and ravage the greenbelt. Ontario is only open for business so long as we protect our agricultural spaces and ensure wildlife corridors. Lire davantage

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I encourage everyone to watch the YouTube channel NOT JUST BIKES. We need smart development in this province and not just more urban sprawl of single family homes. I understand the desire to open up more new land. Lire davantage

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I find it troubling that the Government of Ontario decides to open up protected, environmentally sensitive land for development when the Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force, issue February 8, 2022 states that a significant amount of land in Toronto and potentially other municipali Lire davantage

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Ontarians should be outraged about the proposed development of the Greenbelt. This city needs vibrant greenspaces like this to be protected helping to ensure clean air, a clean water supply and local food supplies. Lire davantage

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I have lived in Hamilton my entire life; I do not want development on any Greenbelt lands. The Greenbelt is an important part of our city, environment & economy; Hamiltonians have already spoken. Lire davantage

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If all you're seeking to do is zone the land in Ajax and Pickering to build a gigantic hellscape of hundreds of identical townhomes at a million dollars each, please reconsider. Lire davantage

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Please reconsider this proposal. The economic gains of this proposal are not worth the environmental impacts. It is incredibly disappointing that the government would consider doing something so irresponsible for economic gain.