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This is way too close to the Town of Dresden. York1 is now saying that there may be 300 trucks /day going into the dump site. This is going to continually damage our roads & infastructure. Where is the money coming from to repair this? Lire davantage

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After reviewing the information provided by York 1, I have a much better understanding of the scope of the proposal but I have some further questions/comments that were not addressed but the presentation. Lire davantage

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I live in Wallaceburg, downriver from Dresden. I vehemently oppose this dump operation unless York1 can guarantee that there will be absolutely no contamination going into the Sydenham river.

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Increasing the size of an inactive limited purpose landfill to the monstrous proportions and broad scope proposed by York1 is not only unethical, but also an insult to the community of Dresden and Chatham-Kent as a whole. Lire davantage

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Dear York1 Waste Management, I am writing to express my strong concerns about the proposed waste management facility in Dresden. As a resident of this community, I am deeply invested in protecting our environment and ensuring the health and safety of our citizens. Lire davantage

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I am a resident of Dresden Ontario and we do not want the dump reopened or the recycling facility so close to our beloved community Take it somewhere else!

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First off we need to look at what's ahead of in the use of this area. This company states that 1,800 tons of What? will be store inside: Why? for how long and who will be responsible for these chemicals after 2032?. Lire davantage

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These developments rise significant concerns and issues surrounding the proposed expansion of the YORK1 Regenerative Recycling Facility in the Town of Dresden, Ontario. Lire davantage

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I live in close proximity to the proposed waste disposal/landfill site. I have serious concerns regarding the health risks associated with the recycling process. In York 1's proposal they discuss recycling drywall. Lire davantage

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This note is in response to the proposed re-development of the York1 owned former tile yard adjacent to the town of Dresden, Ontario. A photo of the York1's site and its proximity to Dresden and the water basin is attached. Lire davantage

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Just a couple notes on the opening statements in the proposal... Lire davantage

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I, along with all the residents of Dresden/Chatham Kent and all the councilors of the Municipality am wholeheartedly against a big city company bringing big city waste, ruining our small town in every way from environmental pollution, destroying at risk species in and above Molly's Creek, noise poll Lire davantage

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Hello, the Environmental Registry proposal was closed for comments before the people of Dresden were even aware of Yourk1’s intensions! Shouldn’t the community been notified? How can something this huge, only 1 km from our town close for comments when we didn’t even know it was happening? Lire davantage

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YORK1 plans to amend the proposals to include regenerative recycling facility. They are NOT fooling anyone. The amount of farmland they have purchased from locals tells the truth. Lire davantage

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York 1 doesn’t seem to care about our community and our future generations. Please say no to their proposal as it affects, water wells, water ways, species at risk, air and soil pollution. Traffic for a 2500 populated town is proposed as if we were in the GTA. Lire davantage

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York 1 has provided very little information on this project. There public meetings have been a joke at best. Numerous questions asked and zero answers. This ERO should be put on hold until they start suppling information whether required or not. You have the power to request additional information. Lire davantage

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The proposal by York1 is to change a small ash storage site that has been dormant for decades to a full scale Dump and Recycling center. The closest this has ever been to a working property in the past 30 years was shredding pallets for wood chips. Lire davantage

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The residents of Dresden do not want a dump located right outside of their town. I do not have to go into all of the reasons why in this submission as all politicians and anyone making these decisions have those details already. This riding is generally a conservative riding. Lire davantage