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ERO - 019-8240 Capital Paving Application to Draw Water at Shantz Station Pit Site 1165 Foerster Road We have grave concerns about the application by Capital Paving to draw water and wash aggregate at the 1165 Foerster Road address Lire davantage

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This category 3 permit should be denied as it will risk the water sources for local town of Maryhill, businesses close to the pit (who will already suffer from the pit itself) and schools. Lire davantage

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This whole process of having a gravel pit in our small town has been a shit show. We tried to fight it because we were concerned about the environmental factors and impact to nearby water sources. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Maryhill who is on a well I am extremely concerned. Just last fall, prior to this application, the decision to not run city water down Maryhill Road was made, and we continue to use a well. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am vehemently opposed to Capital Paving using source water for extraction purposes to use in their aggregate business which never should have been approved in the first place based on its location on prime agricultural land amount other reasons. Lire davantage

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We are totally against the news that Capital paving has applied to draw water ..ALOT of water and wash aggregate at Foerster Rd. This potentially could have a huge affect on surrounding homes with their own wells . Do we have protection if something happens to our water supply ???? Lire davantage

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When this was initially proposed we were assured this would not impact our water table. The impact to our village, our health, and the well-being of future generations, and the environment are at stake here. Lire davantage

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This is ludicrous! You do realize that many of Maryhills residents have wells? When the subdivision by the old cemetery went up several of the wells in the Homestesd dr subdivision went dry and I know this as fact because those residents still live there! Lire davantage

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Totally against this water taking. It is category 3 with bad environmental impacts. With the drought conditions, climate changes this is ridiculous to even be considered. Please stop this from happening. The amount of water being allowed is insane.

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As a long time resident of Maryhill, and someone who relies on a well for our water, I am extremely concerned, and quite frankly, disturbed and shocked that our council would ever even consider allowing Capital Paving to be permitted to take in the extreme amount of water from our community that the Lire davantage

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The amount of water Capital Paving is asking to take is ludicrous and poses a threat to the drinking water stability of area residents, but also, as clearly indicated, the highest risk of unacceptable negative environmental impacts.

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I believe this request is completely outrageous. The negative impact this will have on the community of Maryhill and the township as a whole is unfavourable. I am appalled this is even a consideration.

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I attended meetings about the proposed gravel pit and not once was anything mentioned about a category 3 water usage. This will severely impact those who have dug wells and also impact the water table in our area. Lire davantage