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No company should not be allowed to bottle water not just in Ontario but all of Canada when depriving towns of a water source. There are already water shortages naturally occurring, thanks to global warming, in some areas and cities in Canada. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario and a Canadian citizen, if I am paying for water, so should all, and Companies that sell water should pay too. They sell water, it's a business, they should pay for the water just as i do from my tap.

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Bottled water is an egregious misuse of a precious natural resource. Not only do these corporations not add any value when "producing" this product, they actively harm both humans and wildlife. The markup on bottled water is criminal, and plastic bottles are a scourge on the landscape. Lire davantage

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Ontario should not be opening the door to further water sales. Bottling water is a waste of resources. The government needs to oppose any company from extracting more water. Lire davantage

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Climate change will result in 'water refugees' --people moving from parched homelands to seek water. Don't risk putting Canadians in that position. Nestle doesn't have a right to make money from our precious water!

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FreshWater is fast becoming the world’s most valuable commodity. Canada is blessed with considerable, and if we are to adapt to climate change and emptying aquifers we need to be in control of it. It’s more valuable and safer than oil, we need to look at our resources differently. Lire davantage

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There is too much unnecessary use of bottled water leading to littering in towns and country trails. At least the bottlers should set up a bottle charge and return system similar to beer bottles, And be responsible for a recycling system. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs to have modern water taking policies that prioritize Ontario’s groundwater for communities and safeguards water quantity for generations to come.

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Please save our ground water for ontariens,don’t let those multinationals company .s use our resources to exports and pollute our oceans by botteling in plastic bottles,.and also they paid noting for it,polluting,and employing only few peoples in Ontario,and probably don’t paid any corporate taxes. Lire davantage

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Please extend the moratorium on taking groundwater by corporations. They use it to create plastic waste that ends up littering our lakes, rivers, forests, parks, cities, and landfills. They remove groundwater and we don't know what the long-term effects of that will be. Lire davantage

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I strongly support extending the moratorium on water bottling permits. We should not be encouraging the increased use of single use plastic bottles for water.

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Given that: - empty plastic water bottles are polluting our environment; - if plastic water bottles were not available for sale people would be more likely to use tap water and a re-usable glass or steel container to carry water for their drinking water; Lire davantage

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I am very grateful the moratorium on the effects of bottling our water has been extended until a better look at the science enables us to make a more informed decision on this process. Lire davantage

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Why are you Helping these bottled water companies? Why are you not thinking about our water, our environment, our children? We don't want bottled water. I bought a refillable bottle years ago. I fill it with my tap water and use that. Lire davantage