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I consider this a power grab by the current government ! Please let local Conservations authorities continue to make these decisions. They know their areas and are in my view best positioned to make the decisions required on the environmental concerns of the area they represent. Lire davantage

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The abrogation of the rights of Canadian citizens by this draconian measure is a clear indication of the Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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I live in Stratford, a city now contending with an open issue that came about due to an MZO regarding Xinyi and a proposed glass factory. The issue is more than controversial as the Minister knows. Lire davantage

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I am against giving this Minister any more authority or power. This seems a dangerous precedent and an undemocratic way to address housing needs. Community collaboration is essential to meeting everyone’s needs. Lire davantage

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Dear Chris I have written already to Mr Ford telling him my opposition to his Government's implementations of MZO"s It is a smoke screen to support developers with no understanding it seems of the environmental consequences Lire davantage

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It is appalling that the interests of developers and monied groups supersede the interests of those who are committed to protecting, preserving and defending lands for generations to follow to enjoy. Once it is destroyed, there is no going back. There is no fixing it. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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While I think changes that enable more affordable housing are much needed and should remain in the proposal, I am against the ministry making zoning changes without public notice or input. Lire davantage

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As Treaty People, it is our honour and responsibility to protect the Land, and we all need to remember that looking back and looking ahead for seven generations seems to be wiser than looking ahead one election and one wealthy person's lifetime. This bill cannot go forward. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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I sincerely and vehemently object to the approval of a proposal to allow the construction of the Chinese glass factory that the city council of Stratford is recommending without consultation with the residents of the city.

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​ Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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Stop this over-reaching with the MZO. Your Trump-like behaviour Minister of HMA is wrong, un-Canadian, unethical. How do you sleep at night? Your party will not have my vote in the next election should you move forward with this power grab. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned about the heavy-handed use of MZOs in our province, particularly regarding the Xinyl glass plant proposal, but also regarding the destruction of wetlands in SW Ontario. Lire davantage

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The use of MZO’s to circumvent existing planning guidelines of communities without regard or input of the community in an open manner does not allow for checks and balances afforded by a democratic process. I am against this advanced authority of the Minister in the use of MZO’s.