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I believe EV incentives should include retrofitting existing gas cars to electric, electric motorcycles and limited speed electric motorcycles. Lire davantage

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1.Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (EVIP) •What should the government tie the EV purchase incentives to (e.g., vehicle tailpipe GHG emissions, battery size, technology type, etc.) in order to support a significant growth in EV sales and GHG emissions reductions? Lire davantage

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What should the government tie the EV purchase incentives to. - battery size and whether EV or PHEV How should the government adjust the current 30 per cent Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) - the 30% is good. Drop the HST (GST/PST) will help. Lire davantage

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Without the government's rebate I would not have purched my Nissan Leaf, and would still be adding to the pollution. Now I can feel good about helping do my part for the environment. EV charging infrastructure in Ontario need to be increased, follow Quebec for an example. Lire davantage

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1. Please develop municipal EV charging options for owners/drivers who only have access to street parking. Perhaps designate a percentage of spots in a city neighbourhood (few at first) where only EVs are permitted to park and access pay-for-use charge points. Lire davantage

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I see a huge number of PHEV vehicles being made available over the next few years, and those vehicles will be more incentivized to overuse public infrastructure, and have less incentive to spend their own money to install home charging solutions (L2 EVSE). Lire davantage

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I am wondering if you might consult School Boards to ask about locating charging stations at schools. Lire davantage

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I have carefully read the information provided (and I own a Nissan Leaf) and I have not yet seen two crucial questions answered: Lire davantage

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The 30% cap on the MSRP should be removed. As it is now the 30% cap effectively punishes low to moderately priced EVs while subsidizing EVs with higher prices even though they have smaller batteries and aren't ZEVs. Lire davantage

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I do not see any incentives for electric motorcycles or scooters. These are becoming a viable technology now and prevent using gas. (more models are appearing annually) Can the government also give us cash incentives to purchase a new electric motorcycle and scooter? Lire davantage

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I fully support the current initiatives, but as an owner of a used electric vehicle, it is disappointing that I do not have access to the incentives for installing a level 2 charging station at my own home. Only new vehicle owners get access to this, which makes little sense. Lire davantage

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I would like to see a greater presence in advertising about the government incentives. Almost everyone I speak to about the program has no idea that it exists, much less what kinds of amounts are available towards the purchase or lease of an EV. Lire davantage

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Re: Electric Vehicle Chargers Ontario Program (EVCO) 1. I would like to see level 3 charging stations put in to the ON Route stations. This is a gaping hole in the charging station network and a place where the Province should be showing leadership. Lire davantage

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The replacement of all carbon emitting transportation is both urgent and expensive. Lire davantage

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As humans we need to take responsibility as the caretakers of this planet to ensure the well being of all the inhabitants. We do this through first realizing that as the primary species we are unequivocally ruining the environment through our industrial activities. Lire davantage

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1 No front license plate required on battery only EVs as incentive. Many car owners hate the look of front license plates as it destroys the clean design intended by the designers. Lire davantage

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I have a Tesla Model 3 on reservation and am counting on the $14,000 incentive to make it affordable for me, these programs need to be extended past 2020, there is a huge backlog at Tesla and it could be 2019 before I see my car, I am worried about these incentives going away in which case I would h Lire davantage

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My wife and I intend to purchase an EV as our next vehicle. It is totally dependent on the availability of a rebate or other financial incentive. The current rebate program will allow us to proceed with the purchase. [Original Comment ID: 196194]