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This proposal threatens environmental protection efforts across ontario and the adjacent watersheds. The housing crisis is not an acceptable reason to endanger local ecology for land development. Lire davantage

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We oppose building in the Greenbelt. It is unacceptable for the Province to be adding Vaughan's lost acreage and expanding the Greenbelt in a community hours away from us – which is fundamentally unfair to our residents. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow this. Ontarians have been clear that they do not want to lose precious farmland. There is food scarcity in our future, and we should be preserving all farmland in anticipation of that. Lire davantage

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Terrible Idea! This type of development has proven to be bad. We need to develop parking lots not farms~! Look at Park Lawn Master Plan (Mr. Christie Bakery) 7,000 units on 23 acres. This is what we need to focus on in the GTA. Stop the Sprawl. Stop building highways! Lire davantage

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We should focus on building up/intensifying and improving our existing municipal boundaries before we even consider building into our natural, conservation land or farmlands. Lire davantage

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I agree that housing is needed - but it is LOW COST housing that is needed. This plan will only lead to more energy-consuming large homes, for the wealthy, with income going to developers and government. Lire davantage

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This is a deeply disappointing proposal to receive. The Greenbelt helps protect some of the most important greenspace that Southern Ontario has, and it is important to continue to protect this land. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. Please think of the wildlife and consider the importance of their homes and life. We do not need more homes. We are already over capacity and somehow accepting more people than we can actually house. Because housing is also a crisis. Stop this madness.

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This is a terrible idea. The government found the worst solution (sacrificing the Greenbelt) for a very real problem (diminishing housing supply with a growing demand). Reducing nature’s footprint will not benefit our society in the long run. Lire davantage

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This proposal is extreme. Particularly in Pickering, Ontario where I reside. The Ford government has one foot out of office with this plan and is clearly not listening to the residents of Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is entirely unnecessary. Improve the spaces that already exist instead of assaulting the diminished green spaces of the GTA. These areas need to be protected and preserved.

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I'm a young adult who is looking to purchase my first home in the next 5-10 years. Although I welcome policies that will increase housing supply in the province, I am against the proposed amendments to the green belt plan. Lire davantage

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Please don’t do this. The environmental cost will translate into an economic cost down the road. The future of my children in this province and on this planet is already questionable and challenging. I can't remember a conservative party that hasn't been out for them and theirs at every turn. Lire davantage

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I am shocked at, and very much opposed to, Premier Ford's plan to allow developments in the Greenbelt. As a retired community planner and former employee of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, I think this is foolhardy and highly unlikely to achieve anything in resolving our housing crisis. Lire davantage

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I urge the Premier to: 1. withdraw the plan to remove any protected lands from the Greenbelt; 2. get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage