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Please don’t do this. I believe it’s important that this conservation land remains protected. Currently in the world, climat change is becoming more acknowledged as a problem and by cutting down this area of while life and forests we are destroying the earth more. Lire davantage

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In a time when climate change is so painfully evident in our 15 - 20 degree November day, is it really a wise choice to being building homes on protected wetlands? This is unbelievably disappointing and the blatant disregard for nature is disturbing. Lire davantage

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Ontario does not need to open up the Greenbelt - we need to be protecting these few precious areas from further development. Farmlands, greenlands and wetlands all play a vital role in our ecosystem, and destroying them is only going to have long-term negative consequences

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Stop expanding into our protected green spaces. As someone who lives very close to the proposed areas, this is totally unacceptable. We can accommodate people in other areas in Ontario. Grow upwards instead of adopting the Texas model and expanding horizontally. Lire davantage

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I am concerned about reducing essential Greenspace which could have an effect on natural flood mitigation and the essential biodiversity. I am concerned about urban sprawl and the continued dependance on highways and not accessible public transportation. Lire davantage

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This is a collasal sized mistake and insult to the people and wildlife in Ontario. The greenbelt is protected for a reason. We don't need more mansions along the greenbelt. We need the city centres to be rezoned to allow for multi unit housing and not just condos. Lire davantage

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This isnt right . You need to leave the land alone so the wild life can live . We dont need more development.. we need to fix the Ridiculous price of living. Rent is to high! Groceries are expensive.. maybe put that tax payers money towards that!

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Please stop this. We need to protect the Greenbelt area. So many towns and cities are growing and developing and reducing green space. The so called protected green spaces need to be left untouched not only for the animals but to help reduce green house emissions. Lire davantage

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We need to protect these wildlife areas and not turn them in to expensive housing that no one but the rich can afford. There is potential in unused buildings downtown Toronto or even Hamilton to build affordable housing for people. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt needs to remain protected land. There are under-utilized spaces in already developed communities that would be turned into high density low income housing, those should be explored and used first instead of sprawling into the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Ontarians do not want the green belt touched, period. The amount of abandoned homes, unused office buildings etc across Ontario is astounding and could be converted in to different forms of housing.

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Please protect the greenbelt! It is already a home for wildlife, biodiversity, wetlands, and more. Please do not distroy the greenbelt for housing. Instead there is so much unused land north of the greenbelt that could be used for housing, or office buildings in Toronto that could be repurposed.

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Absolutely not. This is not going to give us adorable urban housing. Why are we destroying ecosystems so a few people can live in massive 4000 sqfoot houses? This isn't going to solve our housing crisis. Lire davantage

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Please don’t build on the green belt. This will waste so much resources, money and time. There will be flooding, loss of habitat and will be a crushing blow to our ecosystem. If you care about housing, and the people in this province, there are so many other ways to show it. Lire davantage