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While I am very supportive of additional housing in Hamilton, the mass production of luxury homes on tiny pieces of land is appalling. It is happening everywhere and this does not solve the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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The green belt is a foundational part of Ontario's wildlife conservation. Over the years it has become increasingly difficult to find untouched areas of land in southern Ontario. The only people who stand to benefit from this are Doug fords in construction and development. Lire davantage

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Developing our protected land is counterintuitive considering all the environmental implications. It’s especially silly, when we have so many empty buildings sitting in all of Ontario’s major cities. Maybe work on developing those first? Please reconsider this proposal. Lire davantage

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I do not support this proposal. We need to protect these areas now more than EVER. No. Give the land back to it’s original peoples. It’s not yours to be making these plans with anyways. This is 3 steps in the wrong direction and there will be chaos if this gets approved. Absolutely no.

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Ontario residents do not want the green belt opened up for development! It will not support housing for the most vulnerable populations. It will only support the financial gain of development companies and provide unaffordable housing. Lire davantage

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This is a horrible proposal. As our province sits in crisis we cannot spend any time or money to destroy the greenbelt. Can we consider parks, investing in environmental research projects, engaging the academic community for preservation? Lire davantage

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Stop the use of the green belt for construction and commercial development! Developers and municipalities want to remove lands from the Greenbelt and weaken the laws currently in place in order to build sprawling subdivisions that would destroy farmland, forest and wetlands. Lire davantage

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We should not be building over the Greenbelt, we should be increasing the density of existing housing from low to medium density housing and building over parking lots and other underutilized space.

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Stop This proposal! Accepting this proposal will provide the ford government with the ability to put into motion their plan to pave over 3,400 hectares of farmland for their new highway. Lire davantage

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I am against building on any designated green belt area. I live in north Oshawa and the devastation of the farm land is outrageous. They haven’t saved any green areas for people to enjoy. It is miles of dug up trees, grasses, wildflowers and wildlife. Lire davantage

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This proposal puts the greenbelt at risk. Ontario wants to protect its greenbelt! If this proposal passes, it will result in the loss of 7,530 hectares (75.3km2) of prime farmland and valley lands for a new and unless is dry airport. Lire davantage

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This proposed amendment to the Greenbelt Plan does absolutely nothing to alleviate the housing crisis in the GTA, and serves only to benefit developers. It is also detrimental to the environment and contrary to the original purpose of the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Protect the greenbelt! Do not let this proposal pass! Stop the development of Pickering airport, expand Rouge Park, support agriculture near urban areas on the federal lands and the establishment of businesses close to where people live. This is what Ontario needs!

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Perhaps mister Doug should focus on giving our healthcare system the resources it needs instead of gaslighting us into believing that our system is the problem. We do not need filthy rich developers becoming even more filthy rich! Also where will the animals go? :( Lire davantage

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Perhaps mister Doug should focus on giving our healthcare system the resources it needs instead of gaslighting us into believing that our system is the problem. We do not need filthy rich developers becoming even more filthy rich! Also where will the animals go? :( Lire davantage

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Ontario is my home, and a place I take great pride in. The greenbelt is a protected part of that home. To allow this proposal to pass is to put the residents of Ontario at a disadvantage in favour of costly developments that will only benefit high income stakeholders. Lire davantage