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I would like to express my disgust with this plan to develop the greenbelt. Ontario needs affordable housing and NOT more luxury condos. Especially when the cost exceeds finances and we lose precious ecosystems. This party is such a disappointment and a mockery of functional democracy. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt and surrounding areas are forever being eroded by single-family home developers reducing our environmental/climate resistance and adding to urban sprawl that is still inaccessible to many homeowners, global warming, and stunningly bad land use per square meter. Lire davantage

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ENOUGH with the removal of our green space!!! This land was already previously protected and is/was the wish of the people of Ontario. What gives yourself the right, Premier Ford, to overrule the people? You are quickly turning into a fascist and the new dictator of Ontario. Lire davantage

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As human beings we have been disregarding mother earth's warnings. Infringing and changing the natural habitat (previously protected) by building more houses (who can afford them?) is wrong. We have to pay attention. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 is a terrible idea full stop. The Greenbelt should never be subtracted from, if anything it should be added to. To suggest you can take from one area and add to another is sheer lunacy. The Greenbelt needs to be continuous not fragmented. Lire davantage

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Instead of using green belt for extra house, government should support/or provide incentive to construct/Legalize the existing or nee basement apartments so that they can earn income from property tax, renovation business, and provides affordable living , extra income to owners and accommodate more Lire davantage

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The province's own Housing Affordability Task Force stated plainly earlier this year that a land shortage is not the cause of our housing crisis. The task force's report said there is enough land in existing built up areas and other undeveloped lands that are outside of the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Absolutely not. These lands are protected for a reason, and in particular after reading todays Toronto Star article, the corruption in Ontario government is obvious and extremely disheartening. Lire davantage

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Please stop this project. Our planet is at significant risk and this will affect our precious wetlands and wildlife that are vital to the health of our province! Keep your promise Doug!!!

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There's no doubt that Toronto is notorious for its slow traffic and terrible housing market. However, it's also home to the Greenbelt, protected farms, green space, forests, and so much more that are invaluable to all Golden Horseshoe communities. Lire davantage

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More backroom deals? Padding the pockets of your friends and associates? No, thank you Mr. Ford. We do NOT need yet another greenspace or wetland destroyed on the alter of your ego and sacrificed to the asphalt gods. Lire davantage

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Strongly disagree with the anti-democratic and anti-environmental implications of these 'proposed amendments'. The proposal carves 7,400 acres out of the Greenbelt for development - with an unfounded excuse that these lands are need for housing. Lire davantage

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While I am all for housing development, I believe it is fundamentally not in the interests of Ontarians or of municipalities to further open up protected lands. Instead, densifying and redeveloping existing lands can achieve two main goals: Lire davantage