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The reduction of greenbelt in efforts to build more housing is completely unneccessary. Doubling down on the mentality of growing the city by sprawl, which helped cause the housing crisis in the first place, will only continue the cycle of and grow the housing crisis in the long term. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford should not be able to break up the Greenbelt for housing. It is wrong and I didn’t think he needed to be told that they aren’t making any more land and it should be kept as farmland or green space but not housing. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am greatly concerned about removing certain lands from the greenbelt. There is only so little forest left in southern Ontario, it is unnecessary to carve out more of it. Lire davantage

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In short, this is a bad idea. Further development of the green belt is destroying the little green space left in urban areas. These are crucial habitats for wildlife and important CO2 sinks to help curb climate change. Lire davantage

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27% of the Bruce Trail, a provincial treasure, is located on Conservation Authority land. Those lands in turn are part of a carefully constructed network of protection for the most sensitive watersheds of the province's rivers. Lire davantage

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I have a feeling that the large developers that own land in the green belt are friends of Doug Ford which will either make him money or payback a debt that he owes to them. Lire davantage

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In a time where we are harshly realizing the importance of nature, I am so very disappointed with our government even considering developing the greenbelt lands. If I had known Doug Ford was going to do this, I would not have voted for him. If it is done, he will lose my vote in the future. Lire davantage

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I live in the GTA and would encourage greater density here rather than building on the Green Belt. The beauty of the Green Belt is a valuable resource to everybody in our province - let's protect that and keep building where we are currently.

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Has there been any study done on the number of Ontario residents owning second homes for an income stream. In particular those that are being used as short term rentals. Lire davantage

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Don’t touch the Greenbelt and its vital corridors Build vertical 21st C within the existing Urban Re-Zone underused areas for repurpose as residential within the existing Urban Lire davantage