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Do not touch the Greenbelt, unless it is to add protected lands. The Greenbelt is an important ecological corridor that protects biodiversity and provides food and recreational opportunities in the province. Lire davantage

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I feel very strongly about the environment, and the proposed development of the greenbelt, which includes the Oak Ridges Moraine. We need this green belt for environmental and social reasons. The Moraine has an aquifer that provides us with needed groundwater. The groundwater MUST be protected. Lire davantage

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Considering the changes to the population of our country it is understandable that certain areas designated as greenbelt make no sense at all, while other areas are developed. I would like to point to Grimsby in particular. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. Increasing density in preexisting cities is the way to appropriately expand our housing, not destroying protected lands!! We need to leave behind this idealizaion of single family homes with resized footprints and lots! Lire davantage

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I have studied the maps of areas proposed to be removed from the Greenbelt. They seem to be consistent with the criteria that they be "suitable for development" ONLY providing that "suitability" is defined by the proponent for development. Lire davantage

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I have studied the maps of areas proposed to be removed from the Greenbelt. They seem to be consistent with the criteria that they be "suitable for development" ONLY providing that "suitability" is defined by the proponent for development. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Pickering, my family and I will be directly impacted by this. The area attracts people and provides countless outdoor trails and areas that create a higher quality of living. We get to enjoy natural wildlife. Lire davantage

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We are in the midst of a climate and food crisis, and the Ford government's solution is to cut down more trees and destroy the greenbelt, which could have been used for farming. Nowhere in the government's Housing Affordability Task Force report did it say destroying the green belt was a good idea. Lire davantage

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Are you out of your minds, ruining the Green Belt? Insane, horrible politics are at play here, and they are putting the climate catastrophe into overdrive, for all Ontarians. DO NOT DEVELOP IN THE GREEN BELT. Lire davantage

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I am firmly against this plan. It contradicts results from your own Housing Affordability Task Force report and will have long term negative environmental consequences. Lire davantage

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Leave the Greenbelt alone. This proposal is an absolute sham. This proposal will only enrich developers with absolutely no guarantee to provide any benefit to public. If it is to be developed, it should be guaranteed community housing / affordable housing, all done by non-profits.

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As a resident of St Catharines, I wholeheartedly oppose the proposed changes to the Greenbelt for several reasons: 1. The number of units proposed for development is much too low to have any meaningful impact on the current affordability crisis. Lire davantage

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These proposed changes are an indiscriminate violation of trust that the public has with provincial powers. This change goes directly against the promises made in this governments campaign when elected, and reiterated in 2018. Lire davantage

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Do not develop the greenbelt. Those areas provide valuable green space to the nearby communities. The wetlands there provide flooding control during periods of heavy rain. Developing it will impact the values of the nearby homes and the mental health of all the residents.