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Under no circumstances, for absolutely no reason, including housing, should any land be removed from the greenbelt. This land was protected for a reason, and whether that reason is agriculture, environmental conservation, wetland protection, or just because it is beautiful, it doesn't matter. Lire davantage

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We must preserve Ontario's GreenBelt. As acknowledged by the review board, densification is a better option than sprawl into sensitive wetlands. We must not sell off precious land to ONPC donors and friends of Doug Ford.

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Please do not take land away from the Greenbelt. Please protect our land. We're already dealing withthe devastating affects of climate change to the environment. The Greenbelt if protected land for our wetlands, forests, and farmland. Lire davantage

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i oppose the idea to use greenbelt land for housing development.. greenbelt land and especially farm lands is a limited and non renewable resource disappearing today at over 300 acres daily .. Lire davantage

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Hello, I'd like to express my thoughts about the proposal to develop the greenbelt. It unfortunately feel like most people's opposing opinions are falling on deaf ears. Lire davantage

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It is so blatantly obvious that the PC Government who holds power in Ontario are corrupt and indifferent to the public they are meant to serve that there is virtually no prospect this comment has any impact on their plans to enrich their donors. Lire davantage

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Do not remove ANY land from the Greenbelt - as this government has promised in the past before suddenly breaking their promise this month. The Greenbelt is supposed to protect our prime natural and agricultural lands - the few we have left in Southern Ontario - forever. Lire davantage

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Do not touch the Green Belt. This is not the answer. You have been given tons of concrete solutions to help with the housing crisis that can work. Doug Ford is not doing what is in the best interest of Ontario and he must be stopped.

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I like many other Ontarians listened to and believed the Premier over the last number of years when he publicly promised that his government would not alter the Greenbelt. Altering the Greenbelt is not needed to meet housing needs in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I am defiantly against this proposal. If we open up the Greenbelt today, where will it end? The Greenbelt will be chipped away at slowly, dying one small chunk at a time. Lire davantage

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This should absolutely not go through. The Premier said this area would not be open to development, and then after election, changes his mind. He has favored his donors and let them know well ahead of time to buy up land that he would later make useable for them to develop. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 is one more way Doug Ford is making his rich buddies richer. That's all this is. I know you see that. Don't make an unwise decision we will all regret. Leave the Green Belt alone.

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I am in support of improving housing opportunities by utilizing existing zones and not opening up the Greenbelt. Even with allocation of other lands, I do not believe ‘break up’ existing Greenbelt lands is the best use of government powers. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with this proposal and ask that the government reverse course on it I reached out to my Consevative Party MPP (Graydon Smith) directly about this issue but did not receive a response back from my e-mail. Lire davantage