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Due to the location of this proposed facility, a full environmental assessment is an absolute must. It is within a floodzone, right next to Molly's Creek that feeds into the Sydenham River and will be parked upon sensitive water wells people are dependent upon. Lire davantage

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Knowing that the Leachate ponds will be located in a floodplain near Molly creek which flows into the Sydenham river. With no guarantee that the toxic soup will not enter into our rivers, who is going to be reasonable for the contamination of our food chain, water wells? Lire davantage

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Not only will a dump in Dresden harm the environment and further alter the carbon cycle, but it will also harm the economy. This will deter visitors from coming into town and residents from staying in Dresden. Furthermore, it will increase the maintenance necessary to keep smooth roads. Lire davantage

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No sane person from Dresden and area wants this dump/recycling/whatever you are calling it now Toronto garbage landfill. It is not 3.5 kilometers from an urban area. We don't need an assessment. The answer is NO to the whole thing. Tell Toronto and York 1 TO KEEP THEIR GARBAGE TO THEMSELVES

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I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposed project in Dresden. It is imperative that we advocate for a thorough environmental assessment before any further steps are taken. Lire davantage

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I am a neighbour across the road from a property they have purchased to expand the site. I have been fortunate enough to have George Kirchmair come to my house and we had a nice discussion. Lire davantage

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I am a resident of Dresden that would like to assure any new Recycling facility or Dump has an environmental assessment done before they are allowed to go forward with the project. Lire davantage

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The York1 landfill is going to be located in close proximity to our waterways in Dresden (Chatham Kent). Please consider having an environmental assessment completed to ensure this long term decision will not negatively effect our community and environment for generations.

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A full comprehensive assessment needs to be done. It has never been done at this location and if a landfill this size is going to be allowed than it only makes sense to do this assessment.. There are several concerns for this location that have been mentioned so many times. Lire davantage

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If this landfill fiasco is not stopped then there should at least be an environmental assessment done. Dresden is being ignored and dictated by YORK1 with an unwanted landfill /dump that is an improper and unsafe distance to town. Lire davantage

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We do not need a dump in Dresden with Toronto garbage. Especially from a company trying to circumvent environmental assessments. With the most biodiversity river less then a 1000 meters away!! Stop this now!!

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I think that this proposal strongly needs a full environmental assessment based on the vast number of concerns for this site. Lire davantage

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I am commenting on the York1 proposal for Dresden. Dresden deserves to have a Comprehensive Environmental Assessment of this project. Since it was an old dump from years ago there needs to be a new Assessment. Lire davantage

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Environmental Defence Canada

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Environmental Defence Canada (EDC) supports in principle the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks’ (MECP) proposal to designate York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd’s proposal to require a comprehensive Environmental Assessment of the project under the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act Lire davantage

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Sydenham Field Naturalists

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As an organization, we have several concerns regarding the impacts of this project on our local waterways and watershed. This proposal has the potential to have huge effects on the health of the community, wildlife, and watershed, as well as negatively impacting nearby agricultural operations. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the possibility of a landfill being erected, on the northern edge of the town of Dresden, Ontario, that is being proposed by York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd. Lire davantage