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I applaud the proposal to extend the moratorium for all the reasons stated. While not usually a fan of the present government I am pleasantly surprised by this initiative. Just hope it's not a ruse to give industry more time to mount spurious objections to rational limits on water taking

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I agree fully with proposal. In a small way I have been responsible for our Church to become a bottle water free community. We encourage people to have their own container to refill as needed.

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Nestle shouldn’t be allowed to bottle water here at all. Ground water is not a resource to be privatized, which leaves Nestle just producing plastics that are causing serious issues for Ontarians and people all across the globe. Lire davantage

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I am against this, or any, company taking Ontario’s water. Our underground waters are not unlimited In the end, the municipality’s that rely on this water for their citizens will be left with empty wells, while a company makes millions of dollars. As well, this water is put into plastic. Lire davantage

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The moratorium should be extended indefinitely. I support the extension, but am strongly opposed to selling off any more of our water to anyone. People are already buying millions of plastic water bottles, polluting our planet. Lire davantage

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When will it end, when there's no safe drinking water left for residents? Make the water bottling companies more accountable for the plastics that are destroying our lakes and oceans. Enforce better options like glass! We need to do something NOW before it's too late.

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We need to end the exploitation of our water resources. The amount of water bottling companies are removing will quickly cause water shortages in down stream wells and communities. Lire davantage

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Canadian Bottled Water Association

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Ontario’s bottled water sector sustainably and responsibly manages water resources both from municipal systems and groundwater sources. Lire davantage

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I fully support this proposal to extend the moratorium. In fact, I think that no corporation should be allowed to take groundwater for profit at all. I would like to see a law prohibiting the taking of groundwater by all companies.

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As a concerned Ontario-born resident I support banning new sales of bottled water from Ontario unless it is to support an emergency. Existing bottling should be converted to have reusable or completely recyclable containers (like beer bottles or cans) as their packaging.

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I support an extension of the current moratorium. We cannot continue to sell off these resources to the highest bidder, the government needs to provide clean water for all of its constituencies first. Lire davantage

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Data is not everything...just use common sense. The water is in the ground for a reason. I find it hard to believe that anyone can wholly and accurately assess the impact of removing millions of litres of water and dispersing that water in little plastic bottles. Lire davantage

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Ground water is not a resource to privatize. Single use plastic bottles sold by companies like Nestle are bad for both the environment and the people. Water is a precious resource which should be safeguarded by the government for the people. Lire davantage

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Water is a human right and we are proud of our good, clean, drinking water in most areas of Ontario. Residents in some areas of the province, however, are without safe drinking water. Lire davantage

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Why sell a product that takes away from municipal revenues by design? We sell potable water to earn the taxbase to provide this resources communities. Lire davantage

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As we all know, ground water is a pubic resource. Ontarians rely on a stable and pure source of water for our survival. Lire davantage