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This proposal will devastate our green belt and is in total opposition to promises made to protect the environmental diversity of this land. The proposed housing does not include density or affordability. I strongly oppose this plan.

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We do not need to infringe upon our protected greenbelt in order to fix the housing crisis. We do not want the greenbelt touched!! We have a housing crisis that can be fixed by building in municipalities that are affected by the greenbelt. We also need rent control!!! Lire davantage

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Given the current climate and affordability crises, the last thing we need to be doing is eliminating green space and continuing to allow suburbs to sprawl. Destroying protected green space and farm land is not sustainable growth. We need to densify existing cities, especially near transit. Lire davantage

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I recognize and support the need for more housing to sustain growth in the GTA. That some of that growth will encroach on the Green Belt is not surprising or upsetting to me. My greatest concern is the type of housing and neighbourhoods that could be built on this land. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt, and Ontario's various conservation areas were established for a reason. They are essential to our local environment, to our plant and animal species, and to our own society as they help prevent disasters like flooding. Lire davantage

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How can Ford promise to not touch the greenbelt to now decide wanting to build on it. Ive seen the proposed locations. They are exactly where a large portion of his donors own land/property. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt did be kept intact or increased in area. Farmlands are already depleating in southern Ontario. With more people sharing smaller spaces, park and other green spaces are saturated. We need more green spaces in and around urban areas.

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Expanding outward is not the answer. Vertical expansion to make the city more pedestrian friendly is a more sustainable solution to reduce dependency on cars. It also is a more efficient use of the limited space we have.

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These proposals are damaging and unnecessary to our green belt areas. Most of these areas have already lost significant land to development and it is destroying our beautiful province. Lire davantage

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We don't have a housing problem. We have a distribution problem. A quick walk will show you scores of empty lots, abandoned houses and empty skyscrapers with places anyone could live but most cannot afford. Lire davantage

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Building over the Greenbelt doesn’t play to Ontario’s strengths in financial services, education, technology, manufacturing, or agriculture. Instead it’ll hurt our agricultural yields. We’ll even be stuck bailing out flooded basements because they’re too close to underground rivers and wetlands. Lire davantage

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I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Rewarding developers to destroy ecosystems and encouraging urban sprawl is not the way forward to increasing supply of housing for Ontarians. Lire davantage

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the greenbelt is protected land for a good reason. It is perfect farmland that you will never be able to get back once developed. It's full of natural areas that protect our ecosystem and the environment of Ontario. Lire davantage