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Dresden does not want the obvious health hazards York 1 and their plans for the landfill they are talking of. Little to no information given to public and what was given was sketchy and minimal. Lire davantage

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Why not locate closer to your business address? Why use up valuable farmland near a delightful small rural community that clearly does not want the main highway pounded by heavy trucks, delivering materials from away! Lire davantage

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The site York 1 has chosen is not in an environmentally safe area! It is right beside our entire town. Lire davantage

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Please do not let York 1 use our valuable land so close to our town for their landfill that is for the GTA area. The environmental threats alone should be enough to say no to York 1. This site is over 40 years old and was not used for what they are representing. Lire davantage

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This proposal requires a full comprehensive environmental assessment and to be completely shut down. Please help save our town! Everyone I know is so scared about the health risks and impacts this will have on our environment and would want to relocate if this is approved. Lire davantage

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The York 1 landfill should not be allowed to be on land so close to Dresden. The environmental impact is not safe for any of us in Dresden Lire davantage

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When will someone stand up to these big companies who want to move into little towns to take over and say NO! You're not doing this. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire Please see the effects of noise pollution this proposal will cause to our community. The impact of noise is a grave concern. Some of the Documented impacts include: Cardiovascular effects Physiological distress Stress Lire davantage

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I do not support this location. A landfill of this magnitude should not be this close to town from an environmental and health perspective. That’s leaving aside the economic impact the sight and odour will have on the town’s tourism. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to this plan. Farms, farmers and farm land should not become dumping grounds for city construction waste. We must find better solutions for such disposals. Lire davantage

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I don't want this location to be used as a landfill. I realize that in the past before we understood the impact on the environment they dumped ashes in pits made from the manufacturer of clay tile. Lire davantage

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Please do a comprehensive environmental assessment, there is no way this site will pass, it is WAY too close to our town, water, schools and farms and there are way too many risks!! Please help us! My mental health has already suffered so much from this! Lire davantage

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Please help save Dresden and demand a full environmental assessment. Lire davantage

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I severely oppose this proposal. I do not know why this is being considered. This proposal is far too close to town and the mental and physical well-being of the residents and far too close to the watershed and Sydenham river and a potential serious disaster for the environment and animals. Lire davantage

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Our town has been shocked and blindsided by the York 1 proposal for a regenerative facility that is an alarming 1 km from our town and 1.5km from where our children go to school. How unpardonable- to think this would even be pushed on us against our protests, into our village of Dresden, Ontario. Lire davantage

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I understand there will be a full Environmental Assessment on the property that is being proposed for a landfill just outside of Dresden. While I salute the Minister who made this decision I feel this is a waste of taxpayers money. This project should be rejected outright. Lire davantage

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This proposal from York 1 zoning does not make sense at all for our nearby town Lire davantage

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I am sickened at the thought of the Ministry not requiring a full environmental assessment. You are going to consult the public with another proposal!!! What on earth makes anyone think that it is alright to put a megadump under 1 km from schools and an entire town full of people. Lire davantage

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York 1 cannot be allowed to open a large scale landfill near Dresden under a permit that existed years and years ago from a dormant area used only by our own town. It was not a mega dump like York 1 wants it to be noted as. Lire davantage