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Re: “... would not have to continue reporting on emissions resulting from the consumption of the fuels they supply or distribute. “. Lire davantage

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Although I believe that Ontario should follow the federal protocols I also agree in the elimination of redundant data. I also feel that this party verification should always be endorsed, a company or individual can falsify data regardless of if that data was provided voluntarily.

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I believe that we should track carefully all users and creators of green house gas emitions including any gas or oil users or producers. We are the last generation that can save life as we know it, including human beings such as Mr Ford, from extinction and brutal deaths. Lire davantage

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This is a bad idea. I have to believe it is valuable to have this information to track trends and better understand our emissions path. Maybe future governments that look past the tip of their nose could benefit from knowing these numbers. Lire davantage

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According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, comprised of leading experts in this field, the oil and gas industry must significantly reduce carbon emissions within the next year in order to avoid catastrophic climate changed-induced events. Lire davantage

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Should Ontario harmonize with the federal reporting requirements under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) (e.g., mandatory methods, Global Warming)? Lire davantage

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Further eroding our Province's ability to track and reduce our carbon emissions is a terrible idea. I stand 100% against this "streamlining" and call it what it is: gutting our ability to move towards a better environment. Lire davantage

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I believe that the regulations should not be streamlined or removed in relation to carbon tracking. This sort of information is important to have and the government should not abrogate its responsibility to oversee and regulate sectors when it is clearly required.

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This would literally only benefit large companies and the individuals pushing for this at the cost of everyone else. Track everything, actually use the data to improve things and stop killing our futures.

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This is a completely ridiculous proposal. It will remove mandatory reporting of carbon pollution basically making it completely ok to pollute in our province. Lire davantage

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Do not stop collecting any data about pollution. Now is the time to track and analyze this data, not dump it. The Ford government preaches accountability, but stopping data collection is the exact opposite of accountability. This is an irresponsible and ignorant proposal.

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The government should not remove this requirement, instead they should track and pursue greenhouse gas emissions more seriously, and reinstate the cap and trade program. Get serious on climate change!

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This is nothing but another betrayal to humanity by an individual who has motives fueled by lobbyist money. Progressing humanity backwards at the expense of our future generations just to line your pockets for your own short life.

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Reporting and data is always beneficial, even if it's not right now. The cost to continue this are so minor compared to lawsuits you have brought on the province.