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When will we ever learn to protect our beautiful earth. On a Less emotional level how have we not learned lessons about nature: massive flooding due to erosion, loss of natural habitats, lost species, the list goes on. Lire davantage

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I, a taxpayer, want to see the province working with our partner municipalities, conservation authorities, and the development industry to support responsible development in approved urban areas within our watersheds while providing access to nature in urban areas. Lire davantage

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This is an opening to a slippery slope. Not only is it backing down on a campaign promise that likely earned some votes, but additionally will lead to the chipping away and eventual destruction of the green belt entirely as the housing crisis will never end the way things are going now.

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Why promise not to touch protected lands and then hope 4yrs later no one will remember and go back on it? This plan is absolutely devastating to our environment and the Greenbelt which is to be protected lands. Lire davantage

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the corruption involved is disgusting. The question isn't the environment vs. housing. It should be transit + housing in the core. This land grab and $$$$ to greedy developers changes the shape of the greenbelt to no ones gain other than corrupt land owners. This is wrong in all ways. Lire davantage

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When the climate crisis is at its worst now is not a time to be destroying what we do have left for the profit of a few. There is tons of housing and areas that are not currently used as they have become rundown. Lire davantage

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I oppose the proposal for the removal of lands from the Greenbelt for development. Protected lands should remain protected to secure the integrity of the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The land that Ontario is seeking to develop provides an enormous Ecosystem Goods and Services value to Ontarians due to its proximity to dense populations. Green land that is close to human developments provides physical, chemical and biological functions that we can quantify in economic terms. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is a very important bulwark against the loss of valuable ecological features and agricultural land in Ontario. Developing the Greenbelt will surely weaken Ontario's ecological stability, and make the impacts of flooding more devastating. Lire davantage

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I actively work in the green belt and can say the biodiversity found there is ever growing with new discoveries. Our Greenbelt is the ONLY world environmental portal Ontario has to offer. Lire davantage

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Developing the Greenbelt (a very detailed and complex system of interlocking ecological systems) in such a haphazard way is a bad idea, despite the idea of adding an extra 2000 acres to the Greenbelt elsewhere. Lire davantage

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There is more than enough land allotted for housing development outside of the protected greenbelt. Lack of Land is not the issue. Fragmenting the greenbelt will have permanent damage. Lire davantage

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I am deeply worried about this proposal. The urban sprawl surrounding Toronto is becoming out of control. We need to be focused on building up rather than out, and preserving what little greenspace we have left before we have none at all. Lire davantage

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This would be an environmental danger to allow changes to allow development on the green belt. It is protected for a reason. By allowing one developer to build on it sets a precedent to allow another and then another. Forcing the loss of the green belt. Lire davantage

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This fundamentally goes against the rational of why the green belt was put in place to begin with. We don’t need more houses in Vaughan, we need the green space! Will certainly change my vote next election if this passes

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To mark for development forests, farms, wetlands and other vital ecosystems is grossly irresponsible. We don't have enough tree cover, not by half, and the Ontario Government led by Doug Ford doesn't seem to understand how ecosystems work. Lire davantage

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While I appreciate the need for increasing the housing stock, can please consider routes that don't encroach on these protected lands? Just observationally there is so much opportunity to build on underused land, even within the city of Toronto. Lire davantage

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Lets talk about comments like this : 30 days is way too short to make important decisions and assessments to Greenbelt proposal. I need more information and from concerned Environmentalists. Stop this government pressure now ! Lire davantage