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I do not under any circumstance support the removal of land from the greenbelt in order to develop housing. The supply and demand imbalance in the housing sector is a large and very real problem. But developing houses in the greenbelt is not the solution. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should not be eroded. Destroying the land for housing has been found unnecessary as sufficient land exists within existing municipal boundaries. Several recent land acquisitions by developers are known to be friends of Doug Ford and they stand to profit from this proposal. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is by definition, intended to remain green, off limits to developers. It protects wildlife and waterways that affect not just the acres of land proposed for building, but the entire surrounding ecosystem. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against opening up the Greenbelt for development. We should instead upzone existing land. This is more cost effective since suburban sprawl is low density, meaning it costs a large amount per person for public services. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire [of land just waiting to be paved over] Lire davantage

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I'm a Farmer's our farmland. Our children will need the Conservation Lands and we need the trees for the oxygen. Don't build roads through our farmland and greenlands!!!!

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Building housing on the green belt will not solve the province’s housing crisis. I have spent my entire career in real estate, having worked on $4B of real estate deals in North America, including more that 4,000 housing units. The idea what housing and the environment are at odds are a false one. Lire davantage

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A promise was made by Doug Ford to protect the Greenbelt. Please keep that promise and allow future generations to enjoy some green spaces in the midst of urban sprawl. It is important for our mental health to have areas where we can go and just enjoy nature. Lire davantage

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Stop sacrificing environmental protections for “growth”. Climate change is real. Opening the Greenbelt for further development is a horrible plan, and it is not a smart solution to address housing problems in the GTA. It primarily serves to benefit the developers. Lire davantage

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Please find another way to help housing that is actually proven to work. Sprawl is harmful and ineffective. This will not help our housing crisis. The Green Belt was put in place to be protected land against decisions exactly like this one. The soil in this area is excellent for growing food. Lire davantage

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The parcels of Land which were chosen for the Greenbelt were chosen for a reason. You cannot simply cut away and paste in new land to restore some kind of acreage balance. That simply is not how the environment works. Lire davantage

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I believe from the information I have read, Premier Doug Ford illegally advised his donors, friends, business associates ahead of time to purchase land on the Greenbelt with his promise of changing the Zoning, enabling him to build a Highway on it. Lire davantage

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At this time when we are dealing with more and more climate issues, we need action to protect the wetlands and green space. Instead our government is going in the opposite direction. Lire davantage

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I am extremely against the plans to remove lands from the greenbelt for development. This plan is short-sighted and will result in more urban sprawl. Bill 23 won't benefit anyone but developers, as there's no actual incentives for building affordable housing. Lire davantage