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The notion that the green belt will be dismantled in order to provide affordable housing is absurd. Those in need of low cost housing do NOT need it in suburbia, as they generally use public transportation. Lire davantage

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There should be no changes to the existing Greenbelt which protects essential agricultural land. Recent events have shown the need for us to produce our own goods, especially food, to be self-sufficient in time of crisis. Lire davantage

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I think there are other ways to approach the housing crisis within Ontario. What is the point of putting through the greenbelt just to disregard its purpose now? There is other land that can be built up within Toronto and outside of it that has lots to offer. Lire davantage

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Hi, I am a grade 7 student in Toronto and I don’t think Doug Ford should take land from the greenbelt. Although I agree with Doug Ford's statement that we could use 50,000 new homes, the way that Doug Ford explained, he would take land and replace it in different parts. Lire davantage

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I oppose any alterations to the boundaries or designation of lands included in the Green Belt in 2005. These lands continue to be essential to the environmental health and sustainability of the surrounding area and to the agricultural economy and the availability of locally grown food. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt was created originally to protect the high density GTA and other communities lying south of it right down to Lake Ontario and other major waterways. These communities are already rapidly expanding with new housing and still have more lands available for development. Lire davantage

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This proposal not only goes against the ongoing and future needs of food security in Canada but it goes against what Ford himself said. He needs to honour his commitments as well as do what’s right for the environmental impacts of Canadians.

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In order for humans to sustainably live and thrive we need our ecosystems to be respected and sustained. It is extremely disruptive to the land when massive changes such as building homes occurs in areas that have been thriving and growing for years. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely despicable- we simply cannot afford to develop this prime land. There are other ways to progress and this is absolutely the wrong decision and will negatively impact the economy in the long run.

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The greenbelt must remain untouched and free from development. It was reserved in its entirety for important reasons which have not change in the interim. Therefore, no commercial development for highways, housing or any other purpose may be allowed. No development of any kind.

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Hi, I'm a student in the TDSB. I am in Grade 7 and we have been discussing the Greenbelt in geography. We found out that the Greenbelt is in danger, and we are angered about it. The Greenbelt is crucial for Ontario's well-being. Lire davantage

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This proposal to remove parts of the Green Belt is completely tone deaf and honestly ridiculous within the context of present day 2022. If we are truly committed to reducing our carbon output and reducing our impact on climate change, than we simply cannot reduce any further green space. Lire davantage

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The attached info is being submitted by Brookvalley Project Management on behalf of the Landowners. Please refer to the attached 4 files. Attachment A of the Candevcon report was omitted, due to the size limit for your ERO submissions. Lire davantage

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Green belt land should not be touched. There is a reason it is protected land. This proposal is insulting and only benefits Premier Ford and the companies that pay for his campaign. This proposal should be thrown out.

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We owned a piece of property in the propose area map 6 in Pickering, S of 407, W of Duffins Creek and N of the CP Belleville Rail line. We support the removal of this land from greenbelt. We feel this will increase the value of our land and provide security for our family. Lire davantage