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What is the point in building on land WHICH was PROMISED to be PROTECTED by the premier countless of times. Moreover there is so much land in cities that hasn't been used that could be actual "affordable houses". Lire davantage

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I am absolutely disgusted and do not want to see any changes made to the Greenbelt. We currently have more people than we can care for on the streets, so the solution is to slow immigration rates, not kill the environment and beauty of our greenbelt. KEEP THE GREENBELT AS IS

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There is no doubt that we have a housing crisis in Ontario, however allocating precious lands that feed the province and protect us from the effects of climate change is not a good solution. The negative trade-offs to the overall population and health of Ontario far outweigh the gains. Lire davantage

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This is extremely concerning for our future. This would be setting a terrifying precedent for land use and conservation of green space moving forward. This is not the solution to housing crisis.

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As a young architect in Ontario I stand against Bill 23 and the planned amendments to the Greenbelt plan. The suggested changes will not only be detrimental to the housing crisis but to mitigating climate change by converting protected land into sprawling car centric neighbourhoods. Lire davantage

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Statement: It is the government’s expectation that construction of these new homes will begin on these lands by no later than 2025, and that significant progress on approvals and implementation be achieved by the end of 2023. Lire davantage

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I’m entirely opposed to the More Homes Built Faster bill because • It sets the context for giving the development industry, an already over-powerful and wealthy sector, more power to over-ride local wishes and greater ability to accrue wealth at the expense of the tax-payer. Lire davantage

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Perhaps a light might be cast upon the possible leaking of Green Belt Legislation changes to certain developers prior to passage. It seems Ford flip flops quite often as he stumbles from one self imposed crisis to another .

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I do not support your government's choice to go against your own Housing Affordability Task Force's advice to increase density within urban boundaries rather than increase the sprawl of our cities. Lire davantage

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If the government is concerned about climate change and global warming the Green Belt shouldn't be developed. There is a scientific evidence that it reduces emissions and protects ground waters. It is also a natural habitat for diverse species.

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The Greenbelt was established in 2005 for scientific and environmental reasons that have not changed today. In fact the Greenbelt is even more important in 2022, as the effects of Climate Change become more frightening. Lire davantage

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The changes being proposed are such a big step backwards where the green belt is protected land for conservation purposes and area that may not be fit to build. We need to keep a balance of housing development and nature. Please look for other lands to build on Lire davantage

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This is not okay. Our green belt is meant to be green. That is the entire purpose of the green belt - to NOT build on it. There is plenty of space in Ontario to build more homes.

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The removal of this land is short sighted by the Ford Government and will set back the important conservation work that was done to protect the viable headwaters and ecosystem.