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This proposal is thoughtless and absurd. It goes against the very core of the Greenbelt Plan and why it was established in the first place. There is no significant evidence that these amendments will do anything to significantly help the housing issues being seen in Ontario. Lire davantage

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As promised in the election cycle, the Greenbelt should not be developed upon and instead remain protected land, which our provincial environment desperately needs to maintain given coming climate and environmental collapses. Lire davantage

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I am fully against this proposed amendment. The green belt is meant to be fully protected farm land, wetlands, and watersheds. Wetlands are the kidneys of our planet. We should be protecting our province’s wild habitats and ecosystems, not developing them. Lire davantage

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As someone born in Ontario, I grew up with the belief that both the provincial and federal government had the backs of its people and would not go back on their word to protect Canada's natural beauty. Lire davantage

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I believe that the amendments proposed to the Greenbelt is a big mistake. The areas within the Greenbelt are extremely important to the local ecosystems and infringing on it more than urban sprawl already is would create a dangerous precedent that might lead to further damage of the area. Lire davantage

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The green belt needs to be preserved for future generations. Adopting policy to build up rather than out will strengthen our cities and preserve our most precious and limited resource: land. Stop this now

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As a proud, long-time OPC voter, I am hugely disappointing that the Ford government even considers this an option. We were promised that the Greenbelt would not be developed at all. Lire davantage

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What is wrong with you guys. The greenbelt is an important mass of land that is home to so many endangered animals and plants. Taking that away is ruining the future of our children and destroying the work of those in the past. yes we need housing and production zones. but not in the green belt. Lire davantage

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This is a disgrace, the Greenbelt Act was put in place to preserve open spaces and Ontario's natural beauty. Furthermore, section 5 (i) suggests that this land should not be used for the purposes of urbanization. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against developing the green belt. The Premier promised he wouldn't touch the green belt prior to the last election. If he wasn't to touch it he should campaign on that. This land is precious green space.

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There is absolutely no need to take any land from the Greenbelt. There is already approved land per the government’s own housing task force, and that's what should be built on. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt was created to permanently protect land from development. By undermining the legislation the Ford government is attempting to open the entire green belt for their developer friends. This is NOT what was promised. Lire davantage

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Ontario should have protected green space for future generations to enjoy. The housing crisis cannot be fully abated with the opening of protected green space. It is a shortsighted and over-simplified solution to a complex and multi-faceted problem. Lire davantage