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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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Doug Ford said he wouldn’t every touch the green belt. Yet here he is breaking ANOTHER promise. Please allocate the money that would be used for this project and invest in other housing options in Ontario that won’t obliterate our green belt.

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As a resident of the Golden Horseshoe region, it worries me that Premier Ford will expand housing and urban sprawl in the greenbelt. This is blatant hypocrisy as the premier went back on his promise in 2018 to not touch the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The environmental degradation that these changes in policy will have repercussions forever. The loss of class a farmland in Southern Ontario will never be recovered and construction in these areas will contribute to urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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As an Ontarian it is disheartening to hear about a proposal that would open up the Greenbelt to development. It is such a shortsighted plan that disregards the ecosystems and wildlife that would so clearly be adversely affected. Lire davantage

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I do NOT support opening up the green belt for development. While we are already facing a climate crisis with no action being taken, we cannot afford to lose wetlands and ecosystems that are in the green belt. Not to mention all the animals this would leave completely stranded. Lire davantage

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The proposed highway 413 stands against the democratic rights of the Ontarian people. Considering environment is an issue many of us heavily base our votes on, Doug Ford going back on his word to not build on the Greenbelt is enraging and a direct threat to our rights as voters. Lire davantage

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People don’t need MORE housing, they need AFFORDABLE housing. Instead of building more homes across such a critical space of land for our environment; use the already built, vacant properties and buildings there are throughout the province; specifically Toronto, to make more affordable for people. Lire davantage

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This is not a good idea, as the greenbelt will help stop urban sprawl and preserve key lands from development. The GTA still has enough land for development until 2031, so this amendment is not necessary and not the right step in fighting the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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Last time construction was done NEAR the greenbelt most of the houses around that site that were on wells had their wells dry up, if you build on the greenbelt you have a chance of destroying the watershed that feeds all the way down to Niagara. Lire davantage

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Removing pieces of the greenbelt sets a truly bad precedent for the future. The greenbelt covers unique land in Ontario, being located mostly within the Carolinian woodlands region: the most biodiverse ecozone occupied by Canada. Lire davantage

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Removing land from the Greenbelt is unnecessary and irresponsible. Don’t do it. Did we not learn anything from the Walkerton crisis in the early 2000’s? Don’t mess with our wetlands and don’t build large swaths of homes right next to farmland! Lire davantage

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Building on wetland is stupid. It usually just sinks or floods plus it should stay protected. Theres houses people can live in already, make them accessible. Crack down on landlords, that should be the focus not this.

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This is a terrible idea and will do nothing to address the affordable housing crisis. It will hurt the environment and will only serve to line Ford’s pockets. He swore he wouldn’t touch the greenbelt, and Ford should be held to that. Lire davantage