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Reduction of the green belt would be disastrous to Ontario. Animals rely on the green belt for homes, forests thrive because of it and residents have more area to hike, play, exercise and enjoy nature. Many people have chosen to live in these areas because of the green belt. Lire davantage

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Please stop trying to destroy our environment. The Greenbelt is protected land for a reason. I understand that there is a housing crisis but building on protected land will cause issues for Ontario's wildlife. There is other ways to help the housing crisis than destroying land for houses.

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Ontario has the best farmland in the country, we should be pretecting that land at all costs, not expanding suburband sprawl and spraying concrete everywhere. Build denser neighborhoods on unused land within the cities, god knows there is plenty of it. Lire davantage

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While recognizing the need to address the shortage of housing, engaging activities to mitigate climate change and protect the Greenbelt are also important. Without a safe environment to live in, housing becomes a mute point. Lire davantage

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I am vehemently opposed to ANY development in the Greenbelt and will, for the first time in my 60 years, be joining any public demonstrations against this proposal. Lire davantage

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I can’t believe you’re going pave and build houses on the Greenbelt that is absolutely insane. I have no idea where your mindset is, but it’s going in the wrong direction I got to ask, how much of a kick back is Ford and his Ministers making on this deal. Lire davantage

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I am a grade 6 student in Waterloo region and I am studying the wetlands and the green belt is very important to our local environment and without it animals will be displaced and we will have soil erosion. So please maintain its protection with the conservation authority, and don't build on it. Lire davantage

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Expanded residential development into rural areas extends the zone that must be serviced with expensive infrastructure, that will be borne by all rate payers: fire, ambulance, roads, schools, utilities, transit and much more. Lire davantage

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I live in Grimsby and our infrastructure is already severely challenged with the continued expansion and growth this formerly small town has seen. There is no public transit, and most of the main roads/arteries are single lane. Lire davantage