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I am opposed to the proposal to swap land in the greenbelt. I do not believe that this is in the best interest of Ontarions, our water, our food sources and our wildlife resources; I believe that it financially benefits a few individuals. Lire davantage

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I feel very strongly that Highway 413 should not happen. Our health and the future of our children and grandchildren depend on having green space in order to grow food and clean our air. Choking out the green space with highways and developments for housing is a huge mistake. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to the destruction of the greenbelt lands this proposal entails for many reasons - 1. The Premier and his Ministers have vowed on at least 15 public occasions that the greenbelt would not be used for development. They lied. Lire davantage

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Please do not build this highway. Let’s invest in another solution that doesn’t invade on protected land. Public transportation perhaps? I feel like this is taking a step backward, especially considering climate change.

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7400 acres for 50,000 homes represents about 6000 square feet of land per home. If Greenbelt land is to be sacrificed for homes, it should be at least 2 or 3 times this density or better. Minimum should be 150,000 homes on 7400 acres. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt must be protected from development. I am opposed to the Ontario government’s proposed developments on greenbelt lands. It is unacceptable to make changes to the greenbelt without a full independent scientific environmental assessment. Lire davantage

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I don't know who drew up the material I hve just read on your website, but it is erroneous! That parcel of land in Courtice, at the corner of Nash Road and Hancock road is already a housing area. Granted, the 14 houses on that parcel have been bought up and boarded up ready for demolition. Lire davantage

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Why are we doing this? We know better. The ramifications of this will be for years to come and affect your children and grandchildren. It will affect species, habitats, water filtration; systems disrupted by wetlands, and the list goes on. Lire davantage

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Burlington Community Climate Action Hub

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We are concerned volunteers of the Burlington Community Climate Action Hub, a resident-driven, non-partisan community movement focused on local climate action. Lire davantage

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I am against any development of this land. It appears it was purchased with inside information from the current govt, in order to profit. We were told multiple times,this land would not be developed. Keep your word.

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What you are about to do is outrageous, short-sighted, and harmful. Shame on you for making your development friends richer while making the province so much poorer. Lire davantage

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The ford government pledged that they would not develop the greenbelt. This proposal shows that this government is not good on their word. The public will continue to defend the greenbelt and its integral ecological function as well as agricultural function. Lire davantage