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Giving 7400 acres of our greenbelt for housing development causes great ecological concern. The green belt contains wetland and wildlife that keep ontario green and thriving. The green belt helps eliminate flooding and is home to so much wildlife. Where will the wildlife disperse. Lire davantage

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The proposed changes to the Greenbelt is an indication of how short sighted the Ontario government is when it comes to protecting the Boreal forest and the well being of future generations. Lire davantage

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Ontario's Greenbelt must be protected for the benefit of all Ontarians. The ecological importance of the Greenbelt is far greater than the need to build new homes on the Greenbelt lands and the Greenbelt has been protected from development, for this reason. Lire davantage

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Ontario's own Housing Affordability Task Force has already found that there is enough land available to build 1.5 million homes without taking any land out of the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Ontario's wetlands, consisting of swamps, bogs and fens, are vitally important, now more than ever, as they sequester massive amounts of greenhouse gases. The destruction of these wetlands only serves to further accelerate the climate crisis that we are now in. Lire davantage

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As a lifetime resident of Ontario I am very concerned about the environmental impacts of developing on identified greenspace. Now is the time that we should be collectively trying to protect it, not handing it over so a small few can get richer. I'm disgusted and appalled by this entire situation. Lire davantage

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Please rescind Bill 23. Please listen to the citizens. I am horrified that while the rest of the world understands the importance of protecting our environment the Ford government is actively working against that and making changes that cannot be undone. Lire davantage

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I am amazed at the undemocratic, unethical and deceitful proposal to destroy large parts of the incredibly important Greenbelt. Undemocratic as this government is using it so-called majority (only 18% of eligible voters supported this government) to ram through this ill-conceived proposal. Lire davantage

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I’m writing to express my opposition to Bill 23. This bill goes against the Ford government’s promise not to build on the Greenbelt, and appears to be a shameless concession to the Premier’s developer donors for their personal gain. Lire davantage

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Expanding development onto the Greenbelt is a short-sighted and ill-thought-through attempt to ease the housing crisis. Paving over these environmentally sensitive lands will make climate emergencies more likely and endanger Ontario’s food security. Lire davantage