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Nobody wants this in our community! Why is this being allowed! Expansion of landfills must follow the same requirements as new landfills!

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The current landfill is only 8 hectares and has been dormant for over 30 years. Their application would like to expand to 25 hectares and receive tonnes of waste daily. Waste is waste, and there ARE toxic elements to all the waste they have applied to receive. Lire davantage

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I am deeply concerned about this proposed landfill being put near the town of Dresden. Although we’ve been told that since it’s not organic waste, it won’t “smell”, that is only one concern of many. Lire davantage

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My concerns are as follows: 1. The original site, what was its intent / is the new use of the site online with that intent? Lire davantage

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I am opposed of the York1 expansion in Dresden Ontario. We are a small town with 2 schools, one elementary and one highschool both on the same road. We only have 1 street light in our town which is also on the same road. Lire davantage

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What steps are being taken to: - protect local’s well water - prevent dangerous airborne carcinogens (such as silica and asbestos) - prevent contamination into local waterways - protect the bodiversity of the watershed this is being expanded on - prevent noise from 24/7 operations Lire davantage

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The thought of placing this dump so close to town in an absolute disgrace. Not only does it reduce the value of the land and the entire town it also prevent any chance of the town expanding in this direction. Lire davantage

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I’m 100% against the proposal from York 1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd. I’ve lived in the beautiful town of Dresden for over 30 years. I’ve travelled the roads into and out of the town daily and they are not equipped to carry hundreds of additional transports daily. Lire davantage

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I’m totally against the dump outside of Dresden. It’s a small quiet town and residents take pride in ownership. Lire davantage

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Kent county has the best agricultural ground in Ontario. We grows 20% of the fruits and vegetables for Canada such as tomatoes, cucumbers,peas,sweet corn,peppers, Brussel sprouts , jalapeños, kidney beans onions pumpkins and carrots to name few. Lire davantage

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Please consider the traffic implications of this expansion, and the impacts of having the massive increase of transports driving down the only main road in Dresden, passing by both a elementary school with a population of over 40o children, but also a secondary school with over 500 students. Lire davantage

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Explain how this dormant landfill that hasn’t been operational in more than 30 years is not registered on the landfill registry. There is no indication that this landfill is even operational at this time, so how can york1 reopen it when it has no registration. How is this environmental safe? Lire davantage

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Citizens of Dresden, Ontario are not pleased with this dump being so close to the town. York1 says it is safe. I don't believe that for a minute. I did attend the meeting they had today in Dresden. Lire davantage

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I am solidly against any type of waste facility at this location. I live 1.3 km away. I am concerned about the environmental impact on the wildlife, watershed, ground water, well water contamination (my family drinks and will always prefer to drink natural ground water from our well). Lire davantage

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It has been stated in the website that “ Historical evidence in Ontario has shown that the maximum distance within which adverse effects could be experienced while a landfill is operating is up to 3 kilometres.“ This proposed expansion that York1 is considering is 1km away from the town o Lire davantage

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6000 tonnes of “material” that’s 40 tonnes a truck that’s 150 trucks coming and 150 trucks going daily and 24/7 at that. Come on and give your head a shake. Okay so what if this was already a “landfill” it has not been used in decades. Lire davantage

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We don't need or want this in anyway shape or form, We don't want pollution Or any noise pollution from the purposed dump Trucks will trash our roads And the fill will trash our land and waterways

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Please do not go forward with this proposal. I am a senior widow who relies on the equity in my home to survive. I do not pretend to know all the environmental issues so I won’t even comment on that. Lire davantage

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The back of our property faces the purposed site. We are already disturbed by rumble strips on Croton Line. The amount of truck traffic will increase. We learned today that York1 wishes to make this a 24-7.operation. which means big truck noise, dust, and smell. Light pollution. Lire davantage