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Need clarity on how this would be implemented as current zoning bylaw setbacks and maximum coverage would often restrict any new unit construction on single detached unit lots especially in newly developed areas that are often built to the limits or close to the limits of the existing zoning bylaws Lire davantage

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I am generally in support of these proposed changes. My only comment is that they are still not ambitious enough. Lire davantage

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Thank you, Primer Ford. This was long due. Please make sure that the city and towns follow the good work you are doing. Let the cities and towns not try to put red tape and find loop holes for them to avoid doing this

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This is with reference to the proposed "More Homes Built Faster Act". If the intent is to permit 3 units per lot only in "settlement areas with full municipal water and sewage services", then the vast majority of "rural communities" is left out of this proposal. Lire davantage

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Well the new zoning is an mitigated diaster; eliminating R1 zoning will dramatically change the fabric og every major city in Ontario. Lire davantage

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re ERO number019-6197 Developers should NOT be relieved of paying "development charges" to pay for infrastructure, green space, etc. They have some social responsibility to create liveable neighbourhoods while they are enriching themselves so they can live a very privileged lifestyle elsewhere.

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Hello, This is not legislation that will any way address the housing shortage. It does address the root cause of the issue and will do nothing but destroy established neighbourhoods and greenspace. Lire davantage

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One of the boldest steps by Ford to solve the housing crisis. If this bill is able to remove the red tape, people will find ways to make it work. Only more homes can solve this crisis. This is the only way as the province do not have the resources to develop outside infrastructure. Lire davantage

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How dare you try to destroy the very essence of our neighbourhood — one that we paid a premium to move into precisely because it was not occupied with multi-plexes, duplexes and townhomes. Lire davantage

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The province and cities are concerned about low cost rental housing. As a small landlord with forty years of experience, let me advise you about one important fact. You are working against yourself to get where you want to be. Lire davantage

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I understand that this proposed regulation change effectively eliminates R1 zoning - that is, zoning that excludes anything but a single detached home (with some exceptions). I am opposed. Lire davantage

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I do not support Bill-23 and the removal of R1 zoning. I specifically did not vote for the mayoral candidate who supported this initiative. While I understand the need for intensification and providing affordable housing to people, this will not address the issue. Lire davantage

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Stop Bill 23. We are in a climate crisis. It will not provide the truly affordable and sustainable housing we need. What it will do is kill birds and wildlife, destroy vital green space and wildlife habitats, result in development of unsuitable and environmentally significant areas (i.e. Lire davantage

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What about vacant land/property in settlement areas with full municipal water and sewage services? It is not clear if "parcels of land," as defined in the proposed regulation for additional residential units (up to 3) also apply to new homes to be constructed on vacant land/property. Lire davantage