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We need to PRESERVE the greenbelt Building more houses doesn't solve the housing problem. Housing issues are related to cost driven up artificially during the pandemic and Toronto housing values. Volume in this case won't fix costs...everything is inflated right now. Lire davantage

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Expanding housing into the green belt is not the way to address the housing crisis in ontario. We need to improve density in the cities and properties that are already developed rather than expanding sprawl into natural areas. Lire davantage

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I am writing to urge the Premier to: - withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; - proceed with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input (repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government); Lire davantage

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We all know that this bill is about helping the land developers and NOT about affordable housing that we can place Ontarians into now. Again, it's not about the number of homes - it's about affordability. Lire davantage

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Re: 019-6216 The Greenbelt within Ontario needs to be expanded and not have lands 'traded' or existing Greenbelt land built on. This land was meant to be protected in perpetuity and no one government has the right to decimate it. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to hastily butchering the Greenbelt - for all the environmental, social and economic reasons well presented in many sources. I acknowledge there is a housing crisis which will increase in severity with the onslaught of climate change and the inevitable migration that results. Lire davantage

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Please protect the green belt! Ontarians do not want to see this land touched. It is an important eco system full of outdoor recreational spaces for our communities to enjoy. Preserving what's left of undeveloped nature spaces is important for the long-term health of our planet and communities. Lire davantage

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This is an environmental disaster and I am 100 percent not supportive of this proposal. The Greenbelt should not be parceled up or modified or changed at all. It is there to protect the environment and provide green space for the wellness of Ontarians. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against the government of Ontario building on the Greenbelt. The green belt needs to be kept green to help preserve our province and the wildlife residing in these spaces. Lire davantage

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I do not support this plan whatsoever. Please come up with something else that does not impact the green belt. This is protected land for a reason and without the earth to support us, we won’t have any reason to be building homes. Lire davantage

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The province should be supporting communities to intensify and build not-for-profit social housing. Incentives to build or retrofit houses with apartments would also help. The province should make up the loss of development fees on less expenxive housing - to the municipalities. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is not the place to be building homes. This is protected land that needs to remain protected for future generations. Every city has many empty office buildings, malls, plazas that are wasting usable land space that could help solve the housing shortage in Ontario. Lire davantage

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This proposal does not reflect the needs of communities in Ontario, and it directly violates the Greenbelt Act. This is not a democratically initiated proposal. Many cities throughout Ontario need funding for housing but there are solutions beyond infringing on protected Greenbelt land. Lire davantage

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I urge the Premier to: withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage

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Under no circumstances should the greenbelt be opened up to developers in Ontario, without all the brown lands being used first. The premier has repeatedly stated he won’t open up the green belt for development, after receiving backlash each time it was found out he was going to open it up. Lire davantage