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Policies always sound great but it's how they will be implemented that concerns me. Reducing barriers and red tape usually means make it easier for developers to make money at the expense of the environment. Barriers and "red tape" were put there for a reason. Lire davantage

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Under section 3, you propose to "Direct large ground-mounted solar facilities away from prime agricultural and specialty crop areas." I think I understand some technical reasons - shading & rain water redirection. Lire davantage

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We should ensure developers build affordable prices units next to higher priced builds. Right now we are awash in 500k+ suburban houses but not a single unit goes up next door or across the road for a reasonable price. We have to enforce a mix.

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The city I live in has many abandoned buildings. Rundown older homes, plazas and even old factory's sitting empty. They are taking up much-needed space for affordable housing. Lire davantage

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There should not be any increased housing land on forested and/or protected areas like the Oakridges Moraine, for example. It is our understanding that there is plenty of land for housing, which does not interfere with the protection of forests and moraines and aquifers.

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I am a resident and work in Markham within York Region and traffic has been a major issue and is becoming worse. With the projected populations in 2030 for York Region, I can only foresee an event more gridlock. Lire davantage

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Hi, Can you please produce a version of the PPS that illustrates the changes that have been made and let me know when it will be on line and where I can find it THX Stephen

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stop what you're doing and listen to advocates and people who know. the issue is not with supply-- Toronto has more condos in development than any other city in North America. Lire davantage

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Proposals for the building of so-called "tiny" homes are something that I have long advocated for. This point seems to have been addressed in the new Policy Statement. A return to the post WWII housing of the "two-up, two-down" type is greatly needed, as well as other small home types. Lire davantage

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Housing developments should be limited to currently-developed land. Infill of urban spaces, and re-purposing and refurbishing of vacant/abandoned buildings in urban centres - NOT sprawl into undeveloped, rural land which should be reserved for nature. Lire davantage

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You need to define what "Net increase" means when discussing settlement area expansions outside of a comprehensive review. Adding land to your settlement area, regardless of size, always results in a net increase. Lire davantage

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Mulmur Township

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• It is unclear as to the extent that Part II wording may impact Council decision making. The implications of this new wording should be further discussed with respect to Council’s ability to decline from entering into agreements, such as responsibility agreements for communal servicing. Lire davantage

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Hi, as a recently graduated community planner, currently conducting an internship, I have some suggestions to make the PPS clearer and more useful: Lire davantage

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I do not understand how you can cut conservation authority flood funding in half and then turn around and say we need to focus on our core mandate. Please tell me how this makes sense? Lire davantage